Sunday 26 March 2017

Applied animation week 8

Starting this week off straight into the script writing as I had some idea of how I want the story to be played out, but throughout this week one of the Tutors noticed something wrong with my script. I've been writing it wrong this whole time. I never knew there was a way of creating scripts and was directed to look into script writing. Throughout learning how to write a script from various websites that all pretty much had the same concept, I wanted to see how a script gets visualised, so I tested it by Reading a script and watching a scene from Cars 2. It's astounding how the script fits so well with the animation, here's the script and video:

After doing this I was inspired to create the script ready for next week as a final draft that Grace can develop storyboards,

Here is the First draft which I still think needs refining:

As you can see above this is my first attempt making a proper script which is used for industry, I instantly understood the techniques required to make the script and had something we can base the storyboard on. Whilst Grace was making the storyboard I helped Rey with deciding what character to look for and design, we also thought about the process we were going to use to animate, which Grace suggested to us that we should create assets as it would be easier and quicker to animate.

Last week I mentioned that we would possibly have a narrator, which I asked Rey to voice. So we recorded some of the narrator's lines using different voices that Rey could make, here are a couple of examples Rey voiced:

I showed these examples of Rey's voice to one of the tutors and they said that it would not work as it does not suit the theme of what we are going for and they suggested that either one of our parents should do it.

towards the end of the week, Grace had finished the story board:

hopefully, I will edit/refine the script over the holiday so that I can record the audio with my dad.

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