Sunday 19 March 2017

Applied animation week 7

This week we prepared our presentation together on google slides showcasing everything we have done and what we have found from our research, and what we are going to do for our Animated documentary through our Gantt chart as to who is doing what and where we should be. The presentation was mostly research and sketches of character designs, mood boards and draft storyboards, with what we had Grace made an animatic of what we are hoping to get done. which unfortunately had a few black screens as we did not have any idea or drawing to represent what we wanted.

We got asked many questions such as "how are you going to fill the gaps?" or "Do you think you will finish the animatic soon so that we can start on the production?" and so these are questions we must reflect and prepare and action plan for whilst also following the Gantt chart schedule we have made.

Here are the draft storyboards I did last week which is not final and still unfinished but it was just to help me visualise what I want to create for the animation:

After the crit session, I did some more research into how silk is actually made nowadays and I found this video with Grace:

From this, I wanted to include the process of making silk in the story somehow. I discussed with Grace as to what we could do to add this process in and so we decided to show the Silk Goddess collecting the cocoons and turning it into threads.

On the topic if thinking about the story we thought about a book opening in a library with one of the paper flying out turning into leaves and the leaves fall into the pond where the Silk goddess picks it up. I also talked with Rey about the Narrators voice for the animation and he seems like he would be a good choice if we were to add narration which is going to be likely.

hopefully, by next week I will have started a script based on the new ideas we discussed.

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