Thursday 9 March 2017

Roald Dhal responsive group tutorial

We all met up before this tutorial to discuss what we needed to do, whilst discussing we were watching Matilda to get some inspiration for the composition thumbnails we drew, I decided to focus my composition on the scene where Matilda is talking to her dad and he replies with "I'm smart your dumb", I could just imagine what it would look like as an illustration for the children book, which I described to the rest of the members to get their opinion as to what else I can add to the composition to make it fit in with their compositions. I also gave my opinions on the thumbnails they constructed and what it is we can all do to make the illustrations as part of a coherent series.

Mary came up with some questions for the tutorial so that we know what needs improving. questions consisted of if characters needed redesigning to make them detailed or if we needed to recompose the thumbnails we are proposing not only for the tutorial but to the competitions.

We also thought about how we are going to work together to create these compositions, we thought about it as we all do bits of each composition, as this would mean we all collaborated. We went to the meeting and showcased our work which was minimal compared to everyone else and caused a bit of curiosity as to what we have done as a group in general because we didn't have much to show (partly because I forgot to bring my laptop to the meeting) but besides this we got some feedback as to what we should be doing in order to get everything done before the deadline for the competition.

Feedback such as making the backgrounds detailed as kids are interested in detailed drawings but keep the characters simple, try to make a house style which we can all work in so that there are no conflicting styles which helps us with getting the final look to be consistent. Lastly to give each other roles for creating the compositions, One of the other members from the other teams suggested that one person does the roughs, someone does the lining and the final person does the colouring to basically work to our strengths. which sounds like a good idea rather then everyone doing different things then passing it on to the next person.

I like the feedback that was given and the direction we are working towards, I hope to sort out the roles next week and get on with creating the final compositions.

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