Friday 24 March 2017

Roald Dhal responsive week 7 final week

This week was the final week, the deadline was on Thursday at midnight leaving us with limited time to get everything done. On Tuesday I met up with Ash, hoping to get some good news that she had finished the Lineart we set her to finish over the weekend to be ready for colouring, and she told me that she had lost her tablet pen which caused her to not have anything done and she found the tablet pen on the day. I asked her to finish them quickly on the day so that Mary and I could colour it.

Later on that Tuesday evening i fell ill causing me to stop working because of the inability to move from the shivering, I stayed at home on Wednesday and informed Mary that I was ill, from that she tried her best to just get the work done as quickly as possible because Ash had finished the lineart on Tuesday night. I also asked Mary if she could do some colouring on my composition once she had finished working on hers. She also mentioned to me that she didn't know how to watercolour digitally, and suggested that we keep it to flat colours which i agreed on as the deadline was approaching quickly and we didn't have time to experiment.

Mary sent me a few messages showcasing the colouring she did for her piece which turned out really nice but needed some shadows which i assisted on when i came in on Thursday. We all met after the PPP session, As I had not done any colouring i decided to quickly to fix and colour my composition and added some shadows, as I was working on the colouring Mary started to get on with Ash's composition which she finished lining after redoing the lines. After i finished with my piece i moved on to adding lighting and shadows to the other composition so that they are consistent and to also give depth to the compositions.

Here are the final compositions:

I mostly worked on colouring my composition, and then Adding shadows and lighting to all compositions, which you can see above. Mary worked with Ash with Ash's composition of the creature interms of the flat colouring.

With 7 hours left Ash leaves unexpectedly leaving Mary and I to go through the brief and prepared design boards which presents our work as a team, we already had a few ides for the design boards we discussed on monday and went ahead with it.

here are the design boards:

Page one explains the character design process we all undertook to get these character to look like they were part of the same art house style, also with a description of how we thought about each character.

Page two explains all the final compositions, all informed by the  information below it explaining what we liked about our piece and the description of whats happening in each piece.

With it settled we submitted and this collaboration was finished.

This whole journey to complete the project was difficult, but we managed. Having to keep the team together and help each other was the hardest part and i wish i could of been better at managing and organising my time, because of the bad communication with one of the members it may seem like The other member has lost any interest to work with animators which is a shame, and has set a bad example for animators. I've learned a very important lesson from this and will remember never to repeat the same mistakes for future projects. It was really fun to work with an illustrator but i feel sad for the problems that occoured with the other team mate. I now wonder how well we are going to do in the competition.

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