Sunday 5 March 2017

Applied animation week 5

This week I did more research into the Silk Road and the origins and discovered that Silk was hidden from the world for 2000 years in china, and it first came about when a lady called Leizu who is known as the Silk Goddess who discovered Silk worms in her garden and helped with the creation of silk clothes.

I pretty much just discussed what I had found out about silk and how people later found out about it through The royal Chinese family marrying off their princess to other royal families in other countries and that travellers would visit and find out about Silk through the markets.

Alongside the research, I have found I looked into what other material or items were sold along the silk road just out of curiosity, and I came across

This website not only showcases what goods were sold along the silk road but how it travelled across Asia to Europe, and how people started to benefit from trading on the Silk Road. here are a few goods that were traded along the Silk road.

"Rome received spices, fragrances, jewels, ivory, and sugar and sent European pictures and luxury goods. Eastern Europe imported rice, cotton, woollen and silk fabrics from Central Asia and exported considerable volumes of skins, furs, fur animals, bark for skin processing, cattle and slaves to Khoresm."  

many fancy words and here is a quick list of basic items or rather the most traded goods amongst the Silk Road:


Image result for raag based paper silk road


Image result for silk road horses


Image result for silk road wine

Vegetables and fruit

Image result for silk road vegetables and fruit

Home furniture
Image result for silk road furniture carpets and tents


Image result for silk road swords

Ore's (eg iron, metal)

Image result for silk road metal

Tea and Rice
And the list goes on and on.

I will attempt to draw concepts of Leizu because I'd like to contribute to a few character designs with Grace and Rey, but it seems like I'm falling into the Director role for this project because they are developing the character designs.

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