Monday 3 April 2017

11 seconds club ressponsive brief march

March's 11 seconds club animation contest was difficult as I have never lipped synced to an audio clip before, I managed to submit a day before the deadline which I was proud of since it's the first successful submission for responsive.

The process of achieving this took a while because I had to learn the basics of how lip syncing worked. I first decided on what program I was going to use, I choose Animate CC because I wanted to experiment with its capabilities of adding sound clips to the timeline, I then learned that you can change the audio clip to stream so that I can hear every sound/note on each frame which was very helpful.

The audio that was downloadable from the website featured 2 people having a conversation. when I first listened to the audio, it sounded like two men in their 50's talking to each other as if there was a business discussion happening between them. so imagined what the scene could have been like but was unfortunately not included in the final result as the 2 characters were taking much of the space that will be explained through the process I undertook.

After setting up everything in Animate CC I needed to learn how lip syncing worked, I already had some knowledge of how it worked so I just found a mouth reference sheet that I could work from. I learned about this from a famous YouTuber under the name "Domics" who creates 2D animations that involve a lot of lip syncing, he also created a tutorial I watched a long time ago (around the time it was released link for lip syncing)  here is the reference sheets I used, 1 2 to help me with understanding the mouth movement used for each pronounced word.

I progressed with just animating each mouth right next to each other on the canvas (voice 1 on the left and voice 2 on the right) heres a screen shot of what it looked like:
As you can see above I have the audio clip in a layer at the top and the mouth layers underneath (it does not really matter where the audio layer is, but I prefer it at the top so I can see the decebels highlighted by the orange sound wave). After creating most of the mouth shapes Ithat I did striagh ahead I started to notice a pattern that I could go back and use the other frames to quickly finish the lip syncing.

After a few tries trying to create the right shape mouth, I started to get the hang of it. most of the time I would imagine how my mouth moves when I say each word, Does it stretch and get thin or get tight and thick, this method plus the referance sheet helped to figure out if the mouth looked wrong or not. I spent most of my time on lip syncing. When it was done I moved on to how i'll be composing the scene, to include both characters and lips. this idnt take long because of the limited movement from the characters, I mostly wanted to concentrate on the lip sync as it was my first time. here is a screen shot of the faces I pictured them to have for the voices:

Heres the final result:

Art board:

this is the letter I received after submitting to 11secondsclub:

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