Saturday 28 November 2015

process and production: start of project

We got told to make a narrative with the title "The Other side" and as i was making the plot many ideas came to mind, onre idea that came into mind is for a boy character to help a girl character to get to the other side of the world they are in which sparked up more ideas. For example i though about videos/animations I've previously watched which showcase the other side. One of the animations which i remember was done by one of my favorite animator, which was called "draw with me". The story that takes place in this animation is about a girl and boy that are separated by a glass barrier, and what is shown is both characters are drawing on the glass to communicate to each other. Its a nice story that takes a drastic plot twist near the end, I like the idea of thier being some kind of barrier between two characters so i developed the idea of one of my characters being stuck in her own sad bubble.

I had to think of some kind of way to bring the characters together and show "the other side" when i was thumb nailing my story. In the process of making the thumb nail sketches i researched for inspiration of colours i would use and what kind of styles fit the scene in my own particular style. here are a few pinterest boards i made:

This showcases characters in different environments which i found interesting and would like to develop the story based of these different colours and scenes.

Here, in this town...spring...the blue black cat...and she...A beautiful picture:

This image, sparked my ideas to showcase a girl lost in the forest and then reaching the other side which was a beautiful landscape. I liked this idea and i did expand ideas of what landscapes to do which you can see with this link , but I wanted interaction between two characters so i did not use this idea when it came to thumb nailing. I continue to research more and this is only the beginning of this brief.

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