Monday 9 November 2015

Apply- story board and final animation

To respond to the whole studio brief we had to make an animation using all the techniques we used through the explore brief, the theme i chose to reply with is love and i made the most simplest scenario that could think of where a boy meets a girl and says "i love you" and where she replies with "I love you too.." here is the storyboard:

As you can see i had thought about how to make the characters interact, but this ended up being too long for a 10 second animation so i had to takes some scenes out, i took out scene 3,4,5 and connected 1,2,6,7,8 which makes it more mysterious to who she replies to and makes it less to work with. and i also thought about character design underneath which was a simple sailor uniform used in Japanese schools based on general animes i've watched. i then produced an anamatic of the storyboard here link form and here is the character design

Once i finished the animated storyboard i made on flash cc, I continued to the final line out which took a long time because of the walk cycle which i did not anticipate and also i had to make a few changes to make it run smooth and there is enough time for each scene. here is the final animation:

im happy with the final result and i believe i responded to the brief and theme, if i were to do it again i would look at more references for a walk cycle and clothes movement. i found it very difficult to do the walk scene and i kept on undoing many lines i drew jut so it look right, but besides that it came out the way i wanted

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