Saturday 7 November 2015

Identify - Nihonbashi Koukashita ( one of the animators, BahiJD)

This time i found a animated sequence done by BahiJD who is single hard working animator, he has produce many animated sequences which are all amazing in such a way. Many of his animations are made either on flash or on photoshop.  Most of the scenes portray strong momentum with amazing  momentum, for example the animated storyboard sequence below showcases a girl spinning around which is so smooth, its amazing how each element moves so well; for example the hair and clothes move so freely as she spins.

S1 -animation作画:  Bahi JD
 (アニメーションMV)  IA x JIN | WORLDCALLING 監督: murakumo × kubotabee

I really want to learn how to make my characters move so naturally like BahiJD does in this scene, the balance and the spin work really well which makes it naturally smooth, by observing this i can see how he controls the energy of the hair and the clothes that has creases.   

Nihonbashi Koukashita R Keikaku from Takuya Hosogane on Vimeo.
 This animation is created for a music video and i love how they portray the main protagonist in different scenes, for example the scene where she hits the bottle with the stone is done really well  as in the balance and the proportion. The full video influences me to animate similar scene with similar angles, the way they give a narrative to the main protagonist is something i want to research into and learn how to produce a good story/narrative.

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