Sunday 8 November 2015

Identify- draw with me (Mike inel)

Draw with me is one of the most emotional short animations that inspired me in many ways, this animation is about 2 protagonists who are not able to be together because of a glass wall in-between them as you can see in the image above. through out the animation both characters try to interact with each other using drawing as a way to have a conversation since they both cant hear each other. after watching both characters draw on the glass the boy is fed up with not being able to be on the girls side, he gets up and punches the glass until it breaks which ends up in a nasty situation. (continuing will ruin the whole point of the animation, just watch and you will understand)

i love how the characters are simple and the style chosen for this particular animation which is manga/anime in its own unique way, The animator has emotional connected the audience with the characters which is very hard to achieve and is one of the ways i want to produce my animated shorts,  If i can produces and improve on making a character which the audience can connect to, i will have achieved one of my goals

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