Sunday 8 November 2015

Identify- Noitamina Poulette's Chair

 Noitamina Poulette's chair is a story about a girls journey through life growing up with a magical chair that moves and plays with the girl. this story showcases how the girl has no friends to play with at first and then the chair decides to take her to some children in the local area which she instantly becomes friends with, then time passes by as she grows up with the chair doing things day by day as a times lapse sequence. it then moves on to show the girls family leaving the country side and moving to the city in a carrier truck (and the chair is tied onto) , the story carries on showcasing the girl moving into a new area and a new school where no nobody befriends the her. As she sits in her room alone, the chair on its own will moves and takes the girl on a trip through the city which we get a reminder of her past at the country side.

this part of the animation is probably the best because we get to witness the impossible but possible in the animation world, of the chair moving through the city throwing the girl all about and suddenly arriving at the school falling through a tree which the girl and chair land under. This then ends with a comedic ending where the chair's leg snaps off again.

I love this whole animation and how it has influenced me in so many ways. the way they were able to produce a narrative which is simple and make it interesting by adding an element which can help the protagonist with its life, i wish to make something which is simple but has a really interesting narrative to it.

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