Monday 9 November 2015

identify - Looney tunes show

The Looney tunes show is a new version of the original Looney tunes, i love this show because each episode is about Bugs Bunny and Daffy Duck. Every episode starts of with Daffy duck having trouble with things that happen which he does not understand and asks bugs for help, since everyone one knows about the characters you can tell whats going to happen throughout the episode. the recent episode i watched was Daffy Duck is entering a bowling competition without the help of bugs bunny and as he trains with his team an accident caused by Daffy left with Porky Pig sent to the hospital. Daffy then goes towards bugs and asks him to play which he accepts and the tournament begins, throughout the whole sequence seeing each character take their turns, Bugs gets strikes every turn and Daffy gets around 4-5 pins. Near the end Daffys team are neck on neck with another team, to win they only needed to hit 2 pins which bugs could of easily done but Daffy Duck insist on taking a throw and ends up missing all the pins which ends up losing the tournament in the end.

The show was animated all in 2D with a more vector feel rather then the classic pixel feel, I love how its so easy to connect to each character because their personality is well know to the audience and i would like to produce something similar using a vector style for a project in the future

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