Thursday 8 December 2016

weekly 9

editing phone sequence after effects
This week i started with editing the different assets i made for shot 3, the assets for this scene included phone held in hand, screen and background. i started with the phone held in hand because its very easy to do which was to make a simple comp for the image sequence, after that i moved on to the screen which i had a clear idea as to what i need to do to make it work with the phone held in hand. I began with making a separate comp because there were a few more assets that had to be placed in the scene,

here is the quick flat view of the final screen result which i then need to place on to the image sequence of the phone being held in the hand:

From last week i got advice as to what i needed to do in order to place the screen onto the phone which was to make the screen 3D so that it could move around in a 3D space which allowed me to give the screen perspective which you can see from this screen shot.

All i had to do was scale it to fit the phone and key frame it so it would move with the phone. this completes shot 3,

I forgot to mention that i gather audio from last week and this week, the recordings are from my local bus stop. I recorded a few types of sound that i thought were needed for my animation, the sound of he atmosphere around the bus stop is very important because it will be playing throughout the animation and many other sounds.

Going through the story board I could see that each shot added up to 36 seconds of animation, which is over the general amount needed for this project but the 6 seconds are important to convey the narrative I am telling and to give the comedic effects I hope to achieve.

Here's the storyboard with the timings

On Tuesday we had a group crit and we're spliced up into groups associated with what format of animation we were using which for my group was 2D digital animation, from showcasing what I had done so far in the project the group gave some advice but the most important advice was to keep at it and to finish the animation which I'm glad I had the chance to discuss about, we also talked about the sound I collected and what I could do to make it better by getting proper recording equipment and going out to a bus stop to record my sound which I'm considering.

Went back to shot 1 and finished the background so i could use it again for shot 4 because i needed to reuse the same background and continued to animate each shot, i then moved on to the bus assests and used reference of the leeds bus to create these three bus assets, front, back and side here are the assets:


Shot 2 was not done so i went back and realized that the hair was going to take time because hair movement is difficult to emulate and did take some time to do but i manged to get it done and should be ready to finish all my backgrounds next week and hopefully all the animation since ill be reusing my assets on after effects.

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