Wednesday 7 December 2016

potentials & limitations 2

2D animation (digital) vs 3D animation

Both use different techniques to animate something, With 2D animation their are a few techniques used to achieve your final out come which is mostly based on drawing out or producing shapes that tween whereas the techniques are very different when creating a 3D animation you have to undergo a lot of making 3D objects and rigging characters you have made and then move on to animating the character by moving the rig body parts in a 3D space.

Image result for 2D animation
Image result for 3D animation

2D animation does is not as time consuming as 3D in terms of making, this is because the 2D format does not need to go through the process of creating a character with a character rig which is a long process and mainly the longest part of creating a 3D animation, whereas with 2D animation you can quickly sketch out a character and use it for reference when animating in 2D and allows for the animator to get more done within the time it takes to create a 3D character.

Although one potential for 3D animation is that once all the assets such as the character and their environments are made, you can quickly animate the character in the scene and have the ability to move the camera which is quite difficult to do using 2D animation and would be a limitation to the 2D animator to create, only if they did not have the artistic knowledge as to perspective which is still hard to do. And with the ability of having made assets you can reuse them in many scenes which a hand drawn (digital) 2D animation cant really make.

Another potential would be the ability keeping the proportion of the character consistent which is no problem for the already made 3D model whereas with 2D (digital) drawn animation keeping something consistent needs a lot of skill because its been drawn, Although when animating a stretch and squash sequence 2D animation have the ability to have fun with it resulting in a funny motion, This can also be achieved with 3D animation but this takes a while and would be all done in the rigging proces, but if the rig is not done well or correctly it would make it very complicated to animate the stretch and squash, it comes down to animators preference as to what is easier to animate with.

here is a link showcasing the process that 3D animators go through to make a character with a rig, it varies on different programs but it is a similar process and that it takes a while to create where as 2D characters can be a really quick simple process from drawing.

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