Thursday 8 December 2016

potential & limitations 4

The amount of time taken to create an animation in 2D digital animation
Bot digital and traditional 2D animation takes time like I have mentioned in my previous blogs but I have yet to explain as to why and why, in many cases it's up to the animators skills and experience to be able to produce animations quickly and efficiently but this takes years of practicing, most of the time.

Planning a animation project is very difficult and mm asking sure to get things done from your plan can never be 100% certain because many problems can occur which slows down the process and ends up leading to not having enough time to complete something, one example is from studio Gibhli on the production of Spirited Away,  they were behind on schedule and this lead them to work over time which you can see in the video below :

As you can see many artist stayed back late at night with the director Miyazaki to finish of as much as possible and the turn out was great but very stressful because of the time they had to make the animation.

With the amount of time to make animations freely without the limitation of having a deadline, you can produce and experiment making good or even better animation.  Like I've mentioned before on a previous blog simple animations are less time consuming but could sometimes take long to get a better results, without having so many details you can make some great animations such as hyuns stick figure spotlight animation series.

From this you can see that even with little detail you can produce such amazing animations and it's not limited by much because you can do a lot if you don't have a deadline or rather have a long time to finish an animation.

This can also been done on more complicated character with time you can produce some advance sequences, in some anime we find some fantastic animations which is called sakuga, this is where some parts of the animation looks amazing and improved. Here's an example.

Click here for example

All animation takes time and needs time to experiment and learn to make.

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