Friday 9 December 2016

weekly 10

shot 4 animating got finished

As this is the last week i have decided to get as much done as possible throughout this week because im a bit behind on my animation project, I manged to get shot 4 finished with the bus coming into the scene within the composition on after effects and timed it accordingly with easy ease key frames to receive a nice pull up of the bus coming toward the viewer.

I then moved on to my next few shots which reuse the background i had, and from this i continued to animate my character and made sure that the character starts to show that she is getting angry progressively, from a shocked face onto getting angry that she missed 2 buses.

here are some screen shots of the progressive expression;

I pretty much reused all the assets that i had made and continued to just change a few bits mostly the girls face because there was no need to animate her again and again, and from this i was able to get a lot done.

Every asset was pretty much done by half of the week and this left me with just animating her face, i was kind of annoyed that i didn't get to the scenes i planned at the end because of not planning my time wisely. but im glad that i was able to get to 30 seconds of animated content and its seems clear enough as to what is happening.

I didnt get to finish the 3 scenes after 30 seconds and continued to place my after effects final composition on to premier where i placed the recorded sounds i collected last week and placed it appropriately to sync with the sequence i created, and i am happy with the turn out.

heres a link to download the video

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