Thursday 8 December 2016

potentials & limitations 5

straight ahead vs key frame animation 2D animation

Both ways of animating have its potentials and limitations, which result in interesting animations,

This is all dependent on the animator themselves but you can achieve so many effects with both methods, straight ahead is a method which allows the animator create an animation from frame 1 and continue animating without using key frames. and there are potentials which can lead to making a natural sequence or either making a interesting scene that is not as accurate or proportionate. which many stick animations showcase because most of the animators animate straight ahead, heres an example of a straight ahead animation that feel natural and works:

this is really fluid and works really well and you can feel each hit from the sound effect added, most of the time its unplanned and this allows the animator to do many sequences that are not restricted by rules and storyboards.

Whereas with key frames you are limited by the fact that you cant make different movements unless you have animated in a way that there are key frames to reach and the animator can make some interesting in-between but this does not give much freedom to the animator because they are keeping to the key frames they have made, the potential of this is that the animation keeps proportion and works smoothly because you can add more in-between's where there needs to be, Many animations use the key to key frame method as it is helpful in directing the animator for timing and keeping everything consistent. here is an example of a key frame sequence.

click here   

As you can see the characters move specifically to each key frame, for example one of the girls was animated to do an anticipation movement sequence which was all key framed before adding the in-betweener's this is because it is a hard sequence to animate if it was a straight ahead sequence, and with key frames its easier to time the sequence which straight ahead cant do but can make sequences look interesting.

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