Tuesday 8 March 2016

visual language: workshop inductions

we had 2 inductions one at ceramicist and the other at woodwork's, i learned a lot from both and created my character in two different ways. here are pictures of the final result from both work shops:

The first workshop was at ceramicist where we had to plan out and measure the character on a flat piece of paper which we used to help us with the metal structure of our character, at the beginning i had trouble with handling the metal and being able to twist and bend the metal. i built the structure and found out that the base(feet) for my character is small but will hold. unfortunately the bolt that was placed on the foot fell off the foot which made it hard to put the structure on top the base which i needed so that it would of been easier for me to put Plasticine over the metal. all these mistakes were because the measurements for my character were small, next time i build my character i would make sure that the measurement are bigger for me to work with.

after the metal process i moved on to putting Plasticine on top, this was a difficult step because i could not stand my character up on the base, which lead me to constantly hold the character because the Plasticine either gets bits which are hard to remove or flattens which i have to quickly move the Plasticine around to un-flatten which is a hassle. i carried on with finishing it of and had to go back a few times to fix the bolts at the bottom of the feet because they kept on falling off. eventually they stuck on to the structure and i was able to do a turn around of the character for the green screen dragon frame induction. to briefly explain that induction explained how we should go about setting up the scene for dragon frame and when all the images are taken how to get rid of the green scene in after effects. that was a fun induction because i learned things i didn't know about, such as masking.

after i finished with the the turn around at the induction the bolts fell of the model and my model is now unable to stand.

I had a better start with the woodwork induction because i made sure the measurements were big enough to work with and be able to create my character. throughout the process i learned about ways i could go about sanding different parts of my characters body, for example the tutor told me about the sand wheel and how to use it efficiently, near the center is for quicker sanding and at the edge is for slower sanding which allows me to make curves.

these small skills helped to make a nice structure for my character, there was only one problem with the design which was how i was going to make it stand because the cape is in the way to put a stick, the tutor was kind enough to make a stand which hanged my character, and it looks like a hang man which was a funny result but i enjoyed the process a lot.

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