Tuesday 8 March 2016

visual language: Form Flow and Force

For this study task we have to form a group of 4 people and do different tasks, the whole point of this study task is to draw from life. It is important to draw from real life because there are many things that could be learned through the process of looking at an object and producing something that resembles the object. What i have learned through the process as i was working in my group is that proportions are hard to convey in a natural pose and giving weight to the drawing is also hard.

the first task was called Rhythm is a Dancer and was to create 10-15 seconds sketches of someone in a group doing poses to convey movement, i learned as i was drawing each sketch of the poses that its quite hard to capture each pose with a 10-15 seconds time. when i repeated the process i thought about different ways of capturing the pose using action lines and drawing over the quick lines. the whole point of the task was just about movement which i realised as i was doing quick sketch's. here are some examples :

as you can see i tried using some different mediums like brush pens and chalk. all these movement sheets are useful and Ive now got an understanding of how i could potentially make these types of sheets when i want to see how a character moves. One thing i tried was overlapping which came out to be interesting because its a continuation of the poses and it looked like i was onion skinning to see all the different poses. very nice quick exercise.

the next task was called Like a puppet on a string, this task was similar to the previous task in that we had to produce 15-20 second poses but with this we had to implement the squash and stretch principle. I love this task because it show cases how we can manipulate movement, although it was hard to do the poses when you had to hold them for 15-20 seconds. the results were great here are the images:

it was interesting to produce stretch and squash within a small amount of time for each pose, i didn't learn as much as the first task because it was similar, although with stretch and squash i did get to exaggerate the movement.

the next task was Ah, push it! this task involved all of us to take turns to hold a pose for 5 minutes, this pose was to show the movement of pushing an object. this task was quite interesting because we had more time to draw the person in front of us, as i was drawing the person in front me i tried to give weight to the pose and show force, pictures:

  it was hard to convey a natural force pose, but i manged to define the proportions so that you can see where the force is going, I used my brush pens to create quick lines that also helped when i was drawing each person. this helped me when i was trying to look for simple shapes shown each pose.

the last task was called Strike a pose, in this task we had to all take turns to pose for 20 minuites, the whole point of this task was to look for the all the elements we learned from all the other tasks and produce a detailed drawing.

20 minunites was enough time to draw the shape of the pose and give details to the poser, when drawing each pose i understood how all the other tasks helped, it just made it easier to draw the pose with the details needed. you can tell who each person is in all the drawings because i tried to look at the motions they conveyed with the weight to give the sense of realism and gravity which i could see.

The end results with water colouring after each pose was drawn were a good turnout. Throughout the process of water colouring i tried to convey as much volume and shading into the pose, which is seen.

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