Thursday 3 March 2016

visual language: form flow and force, disney

Many of the artists/animators from disney have had to go through the process of drawing from real life which is an essential when wanting to convey a movement in a natural form. theres a book called "Drawn to life" made by disney, it showcases all sorts of ways to go about producing characters that move naturlly and freely which is really hard to convey. giving weight is also an important aspect so that we can feel the movement of the character.

In the book "Drawn to life" there is a page explaining what to think about when drawing and the princples that should take place.

(this page taken from the book for study purposes)
As you can see above there are many princeples to consider and all of these apply to any type of drawing, we can also apply this to life drawing; looking at someone/something and thinking about how to go about making the character look convincing and have most of the princeples we see on the page, for example shape, form, anatomy, squash and strech can all be used when drawing from real life. Its all so that we can learn how things look in their natural state/movement.
Every artist has at least looked at everyday objects and drawn whats infront of them, and most inspirations does come from drawing from real life in order to capture a natural composition.

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