Tuesday 15 March 2016

visual language: 12 final drawings

from the 24 drawings i did to convey bricks in a creative way i choose one of them to create 12 similar drawings of the concept, this is the one i used for the 24 drawings:
i thought of many ways to try and create 12 separate drawings that relate to this drawing above, i thought about camera angles and types of scenes that would happen in a protest which i composed to fit with the rule of thirds. 
i also used different mediums such as chalk, water colour, pencil and fine liner. this was because i needed to  use and try them. i also used them mediums because i tested them whilst doing the 24 drawings, here are examples of some of the 12 drawings which showcases the angles and mediums i tried.

each one turned out really well and id like to experiment more with these mediums in future projects, i found charkel being really easy to use because of how if youve made a mistake you can fix it by smudging it to blend with the background, works really well.

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