Tuesday 8 March 2016

visual language: drangon frame turn around

The 3d models we made in ceramics out of metal wires and covered in plasticine had to be used at the dragron frame and green screen induction, there we had to place our model on a spin wheel; there we had the camera set up in place so that everything was easily seen on the screen. We then had to make sure the lighting was done properly to work with the camera and the character on scene.

here is an picture of setting up taught by Mat

He went through the process f how to go about making the best out of the model, focus and lighting. he also explained about the types of lights that should be used for animatons, the light is specially made to stop the flickering of light that we can not see but the camera captures; he explained that the light frequency is really quick compared to a normal light and this stops the flickering light that appears if your taking pictures in general. After teaching how to set up everything he then went on to explaining bits of dragonframe, tools such as onion skin which i thought was only for 2d animations; i was surprised at the fact that a tool like this would be used in 3d stop motion which is very helpful if you want to return to a previous pose you needed.

besides all of this we were tasked to take images of our character turning around on the spin wheel and then we had to place the photos into after effects where we take out the green screen behind the character, this was done by a effect called keylight. it was quite cool to find out how this has been done, ive always wanted to find out how it was done.

after all that we had to find a background that would fit the characters spin, i found a 360 degree picture which gave a really good effect when the character turns the background also turns, giving the effect he is actully spining around in a scene. We also lerned about masking which was useful to take out the spin wheel the character was spining on.

here is the end result of the turn around:


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