Thursday 23 February 2017

Roald Dhal ressponsive collab week 4

Week 4 and we have all managed to get together to discuss what we had done so far to the member who didn't attend our meetings, she instantly reacted with the fact we were drawing detailed sketches and that we should go for a cartoony style, she explained that children these days are looking for simple shapes and colours that they can identify the character quickly. She had a point but I just didn't like this concept of having to change everything after our hard work we spent. She showed us some examples of characters we should be taking inspiration from, and whilst she was showing us references to characters such as Jonny Bravo, Power puff girls, Mojo Jojo and hulk, Steve joins the conversation.

At first, I thought he was going to side with our hard work and then seemed like he sided with the other member because she was giving points as to why she thought the characters need to be simple. Whereas we thought we could add a bit of detail to define the characters, which we discussed. As we were on the topic we talked about age range and how children that read books such as Roald Dhal like looking at detailed illustrations but it seemed apparent that Steve and the other member were disagreeing heavily towards the idea. I accepted what they said and decided to redesign the character for Matilda to make her simpler. and here are the results:

This seems to be going in the right direction and I hope the final design is similar to this design because it's simple enough and easy to identify when we create the concept pieces. hope to have a final design soon!

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