Wednesday 15 February 2017

Roald Dhal ressponsive collab week 3

Week three and we decide to have the meeting, Yet again Mary and I started to discuss and do some sketches in our books, we are starting to get a better understanding of how Matilda is gonna look like and how we pose her. Since I haven't read Matilda in a long time, I had to ask Mary as she was reading it. She apparently never watched the film which I was surprised about, when she started discussing the scene she was currently reading I instantly though about Matilda going up against Mrs Trunchbull. In order to make that happen we needed to design Mrs Trunchbull which Mary started doing.

The description was a bit hard to understand at first from the looks of what Mary drew and so I asked her to develop it making her a bit bigger and taller. We did discuss about the absence of our other member as Mary was annoyed that she has not been able to talk to her or even meet her, the fact we are doing the work without her bothered Mary but I told her that the other member is ill at the moment and is having anxiety attacks. Although she is working on other stuff as I've talked to her through messenger which I find worrying that she is not cooperating with us.

Hopefully next week we will have designs for Matilda and Mrs Trunchbull developed, but may need refining if the other member is not keen on the design we have come up with.

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