Sunday 19 February 2017

Applied animation week 3

We started this week off by researching a bit more into Marco Polo's history as he was really important in helping the developing the silk road, reaching many areas and that he was under Kublai Khan who was the fifth Khagan of the Mongol Empire, both of which were living in the 13th century. The reason behind why Marco was one of the top people was because of his amazing trading skills and linguist skills as he mastered 4 languages and helped Kublai or rather served him for many years.

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Kublai Khan (1260-1294)

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Marco Polo (1254-1324)

There's a lot more research to be done if we are going to make an animated documentary about Marco polo's journey throughout the silk road, in first person view.

One of our tutors asked us about our development of the project, which I explained to him along with Rey and Grace. From the explanation, he mentioned that we were being a bit broad with the idea and that we could not fit his journey within 2 minutes, therefore we had to think a bit more about the subject we really want to create a documentary on, but the research we have done so far has not been all wasted and I'm sure it will be useful in the upcoming weeks. 

We also were suggested to listen to a podcast about the Silk Road and find out any information that could potentially help us, which I will hopefully listen to and discuss next week with the team.

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