Wednesday 1 February 2017

Roald Dahl responsive brief week 1

We read through the brief and understood that we were to create 3 character designs and 3 backgrounds which will be made to look like compositions for a children picture book from our favourite series. The target audeince is clearly mentioned above and from this we are to devlope simple drawings children can easily identify the characters.

Ideas intantly came up as we discued which book we liked from Roald Dahl such as Matilda and Charlie and the chocolate factory. So we started on creating quick sketches of the characters they requested from the brief, being a Villian, Child and mystical creature.

here are some quick sketches i did of Matilda trying to get a feel as to how she would look like and the way she act's, inspired from the film and book explained as a checky little child who is quite and reads books:

The description from the Matilda book does not explain or rather give a description of how matilda looks. she is mentioned to be a girl who is either 5-6 years old and wears a dress, The film adaptions shows her wearing a tomboyish dress overalls with a red ribbon tie in a bow on her head. heres an example :

Image result for matilda

We need to start developing the character designs and think of composition for Matilda, picking our favourite moments from the book, for the coming weeks. we should also consider making mood boards and referance sheets to help us in the development of making these characaters.

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