Sunday 20 November 2016

weekly 7

Starting off week 7 I looked into comedy aspects and how it is portrayed through animations, I mainly looked at youtube videos because its what comes to mind when i thought of animated content. There are two youtuber's that both showcased their comedy through black and white drawings that are animated, both have been using the same medium or rather method of animating for a while and recently have started to apply colour but only on certain areas such as the hair which you can see here:

In fact their recent animations feature these black and white sequences ( that includes single colours such as the example above ) 

I liked how they portrayed the characters with a minimalist style which i could possibly do but had not attempted and have already decided on it being semi realistic. Watching some of their animations i could see how they implement comedy through their drawings, at certain points they would over exaggerate the face that looks semi realistic and this would appeal to the audience and they can connect with the narrative more, heres an example of domics and the fear raiser over exaggerated face:

from this research i have decided to keep it black and white and also implement the way they fit comedy in but rather then making the face over exaggerated make it cartoony because my character is already semi realistic and from this the effect would come out more from making her face cartoony.

Made a few amendments on the animation of her head turning but did not get much chance to work on the animation since i was at MAF and i hope to get more work done over the next few weeks and hopefully finish this animation off before the deadline.

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