Tuesday 15 November 2016

ppp collaboration

Throughout this session, we were asked to attended, I found it very interesting that i thought i would talking about what we did.

We were asked to go to different departments where we were mixed up with different students from graphic design and illustration. the session started with mixing all of us students randomly. from this, we were asked to team up with the person next to us and come up with a word using our surname and we ended up with Sausage Rain in my team. Then we were asked to think up ideas to what kind of product our title we came up with would be.

So as a team of two we were coming up with simple ideas that ended up becoming all sorts of products. from this, we had to pick one idea and pitch it to the class. After pitching we were to vote who had the best ideas in the class and that the selected teams were going to lead the next task. We were chosen as one of the selected teams as our idea was picked by many teams in the class.

The next task was for the teams that didn't get selected to team up with the leading teams, from this we were to improve our idea, Many new ideas aroused from the people who joined and we began making the original idea even better. We ended up having to pitch our new idea to the class again with our newly formed team and from this we were to decide which team had the best idea. unfortunately, even though our idea gained votes we did not win the majority of votes.

We then were assigned as a class to work on this idea to produce a small advert for the idea that won, which i wish was our team but none the less we started forming new ideas and split up into small teams to create different props for our product. we created the advert really quickly as we did not have much time left. and were to showcase it in the theatre where all the second years were present.

There were three groups including ours that were presenting their ideas for the product they made in their session. We all viewed each advert and were to chose which group had the best advert, unfortunately, our group did not win but that is not really the point of this whole session.

What i experience in this session opened my thought process as to the possibilities that come from teaming up with others and from such a simple system that gave us a way not only to communicate as to what we can do with an idea but to also make it better by involving more people.

This is what must be going on in big companies that have teams of animation, graphic designers and illustrators working on producing products, which is why collaboration is important and why us creatives should work together.

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