Sunday 13 November 2016

Weekly 6

Starting this week i decided over the weekend that the backgrounds were taking to long and that the colours were not working well from what i see, which was distracting me from the main task of starting the animation, looking at the amount of angles i have to work on will take to long and will decease the amount of time i will have on animating the character which is the main focus of this brief.

I want to concentrate on clearly portraying her feeling in the scene, which is how i'm going to showcase the narrative, i'll be doing this by looking at reference images of expressions and how they are animated or rather how people (actors) express emotions from films. the emotion that I want to express the most is anger is she starts losing her patients waiting for the bus.

With how things are going from making this new decision to not colour in the backgrounds but rather get on with starting the animation i have already manged to get 6 seconds of draft animation done which is a good start but i want to get most of the draft animation done as quickly as possible so that i could move on to lining the frames and colouring the character in, if i have time i will go back and colour the background in.

heres the first 6 seconds of draft animation showcasing a quick pan to the right then zooming on to the character off her looking around and then getting a message which i am still yet to draft animate it :

this gif does not include the first three second pan to the right because there is not much movement, so this is showing the next three seconds of her moving her head to check her surroundings and hopefully getting a text message.

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