Sunday 30 October 2016

Weekly 4

Too start the week with a presentation as to how far I am in the project was quite nice to receive all this feedback from the class as to what i should do about my character design, and this has helped me in improving the character design for the final result which is this picture below of the characters face style.

I made an anamatic from the storyboard which i may need to further define and start animating on since i'm going to fall behind if i don't soon, the timing is ok and fits within 30 seconds which i hope i could produce!

To finish the week of i made a line art which i hope to colour next week of my new character design which is hopefully the final version, so that i can start animating and getting on with the process of making the backgrounds and bus stop design. I will also need to place my refined storyboard on to the A3 storyboard page and final character design on the the A3 page to finalize the whole process of post production.

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