Sunday 16 October 2016

Telling Tales week 2

Starting of week 2 with a bit of a struggle deciding as to what idea i wanted to choose for this project. But after discussing it with a few people i decided on the idea of the bus stop which branched from the title "Last Chance"

heres: the final spider diagram:

so for this week I've been developing a character design and storyboards for the idea which I'm basing of my own experience at a bus stop. I've had many ideas for this bus stop from before i started this year, and have wanted to create for some time now.

here's a sketch page of everything i did:
there's a lot going on in the above image, i started of with how the character could look like. For this project I'm going for a young women who is simple, The reason behind why a choose a female for this project is that I want to practice emotions and expressions within my style of semi realistic (anime) since i think i can achieve the effect of comedic value. I want to show a vast majority of emotions to make the character feel real.

Here's a closer shoot of the storyboard:
I will have to define this storyboard and place it into the A3 storyboards, The story is about this young women getting the bus and ends up missing the first bus then missing the second bus because its out of service which then leads on to her getting on a late bus which breaks down when she get on. the back story for why she is trying to get onto a bus is because she has a meeting with a friend that she has to attend to, and its her last chance to meet up with them. This story is still a work in progress and I might change a few scenes since more angles could be involved, The plot wont change hopefully,

hopefully by next week i will have a character design sorted and a defined storyboard. I'm also planning on making some mood boards and doing some observational drawings of my local  bus stop. whilst doing the observational drawings i think i may take some pictures and record the surrounding sound or rather background sound.

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