Tuesday 15 May 2018

End of project, study task 1

I've explained mostly how Extended practice was like in my evaluation, this was a really difficult year but I've really learned a lot and have enjoyed the process. I wish I could have finished my final animation but it was a task that will be handled after submission with my team as its an important story I want to tell through my animation.

The film file is quite big, so it will be in the submission folder and this ends my final blog of Extended practice

Monday 14 May 2018

Problems with my team, study task 1

Due to problems occurring such as hardware issues, or had issues because of travelling and prioritizing their work, caused my team to not contribute much to the animation throughout the process, leading to not having any inbetweens done for the animation. One of them was going to do the hands animation, but because of struggles with their course, they didn't have time to help.

because of this, I've had to limit my animation to keyframes and create an animation that is limited and is shown at the end of my animation. It may seem like I have created around roughly 50+ seconds, they don't really show my capability as an animator. In the end, my time management was not so great as I kept on being delayed due to not establishing a team at an earlier stage of my project.

Sunday 13 May 2018

Artbook, study task 1

I created the artbook to be quite simple and follow the colour theory I created in for the animation, I'm happy with the turnout and I'm looking forward to making more artbooks in the future using InDesign as it was an easy program to use to create books such as mine.

The Artbook will be in the submission folder.

Friday 11 May 2018

New versions of my storyboard, study task 1

this newly revised version now includes a colour script which was to reflect on the colour theory I created, and I'm thrilled at how it turned out as it expresses the different emotions using colour.

Sunday 6 May 2018

Enviroments, study task 1

The environments presented in the animation were made using reference.

For the Baghdad airport, I tried to include something that represents Iraq, and I came across these photos.

I included the tower seen in the first photo into this background I created:
It may not be noticeable in the animation but it does have an essence of Iraq.

I also applied the same process to make Heathrow airport:

Unlike Baghdad's Airport, it feels different in terms of architecture. has a square-ish feel as if it was part of the modern design in the 1980's

update, 08.05: 

I asked my father to help me make a plan of the family store he worked in, and so he reconstructed the front of the shop and a bird's eye view, which gave me a better understanding of how I could reconstruct it, this is the drawing;

This is the final digital result, I decreased the opacity of the colour, this is so that its less distracting when I include the animation on top of the background layer.

Saturday 5 May 2018

Progression on the animation, study task 1

After the crit session, I quickly decided on doing the easy parts of the animation, which were the scenes after my father's scene (losing his brothers). I just created each object such as the passport, visa and tickets and animated them in after effects.

Throughout the process, I learned that you could import the comps you make in AfterEffects into Premier. There's also the live edit feature, whenever I update the object it will update in AfterEffects then into Premier which really sped up the process.

here are some screenshots of some of the scenes.

The process of creating these scenes was quickly handled, thanks to live edit, I'm hoping that I will have something to show before submission