Thursday 18 February 2016

visual language: set series sequence, confusion in the sand

This animation i found was all done by hand and produces amazing results, it showcases soilders in a battle field and what its like in a sand storm senario. here is the video


the fact that they produced all of this traditionally on some paper that does not let a lot of light through when it comes to create the actual animation is amazing, i also found a short clip showcasing the story board which i screen shooted.

you can see that they are taking pictures and he explained this was just a line test just to check if there were anything they can fix before moving on to the next stage of colouring. the storyboard is clear and easy to follow, in this particular animation there are many angles aswell as panning shoots around the character as you can see above, which id like to experiment with when it comes to the story board i make for the set series sequence.

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