Friday 12 February 2016

applied animation: brief 2b titles research

Ive picked the titles brief because i wanted to create an opening sequence to something i have read and enjoyed, each book is unique and different from each other; each also have a different theme which gives me ideas of what i could produce.

The first book is called virtue prevails, this book has no visuals and has a very nice story about 2 main protagonists that are totally opposites, the first female is a pure and religious girl who is getting married and the other is another female who is not religious and is already married and related to the first female. The story first takes place at the religious girls house talking to the other female about what she will be doing on her honeymoon. the whole book has a very interesting story which has a simple moral that can help with our daily lifes and i can imagine how each character would look like and how the opening could look like. but im not sure if im going to chose this.

The second book is from the assassins creed book series, called forsaken. This book has many stories about the  main character called haytham and i can see how i would go about creating the opening sequence, the game series is different from the books because the game does not showcase scenes that have happened and i think i can create a good opening title sequence which will make me try various poses and stances, also i can recreate the character because Haytham is explained differently and talks about his child hood which id like to elaborate on.

 This is a graphic novel series called Brody's Ghost from one of my favorite artist called Mark Crilley. the story takes place at a urbanized future almost a dystopia feel, and showcases a male who does not work and is trying to gain money by preforming on the streets, whilst he played a female watches him and turns out to be a ghost and so begins his adventure with this ghost. Although this is all visual and set to be easily animated because it is potentially made up of story boards which i could recreate in my style but i wouldn't like to produce something similar because the visuals just shows it all so if i were to create an opening sequence i will have to change the style so it wouldn't be a copy of the original. i dont think i will chose this as the the title i will research into.

I think i will be researching into the assassins  creed book so i will be able to prepared for pre-production and i already am thinking about the designs i can come up with with a potentials story board which will be an original concept which should showcase the back story of the main character and how hes grown up.

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