Monday 11 January 2016

Process and production: development stages

Ive finished animating many of the scenes and stared to compile them into after effects which is really handy and has helped me to produce some interesting effects which i hope will look good when fully compiled together, each scene has been fun to create and interesting to see how to compile different bits into after effects, for example scene three had many different events happening which contained a man walking out of the scene and the main male protagonist coming into the scene, i also had to think about the background which i split into a foreground and a background in order to make the background look out of focus and allow the character to be placed in between them as he was coming into the scene. I didnt know much about the program but I knew what I was doing because i tried picturing in my head how to create the scene, here is a screen shot of the scene WIP :

As you can see this is the turn out of this scene and works pretty well, i will be compiling everything into one video once i finish each scene.

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