Tuesday 12 January 2016

Process and Production: cel animation into digital animation

many animations started with traditional paper animations which then started to become more technically of the addition of cel animations which allowed scenes to have more then one layer to work with, Animations such as snow white were made using the cel method, here is an example :

this is how they created snow white, which was amazing back in that day. The methods of using cel animation had become very important in the animation industry and has improved over the years of producing loads of cel animations. 

Over many years Animators decided to make better ways in order to make these layers do other things, such as special effects. coming towards the digital age many of the methods were made simpler using a PC, Animators developed a simple program in order to allow them to make animations without the use of using many layers traditionally, for example "flash" was a simple animation program that had everything you need in order to make an animation.

In the digital age we do not need a lot of equipment in order to create a complicated animation, which is less time consuming and it was easier to fix mistakes with the undo button which has helped many animators, but in order for all of this to work we are using the traditional methods that was implemented in these programs for us to use all the tools necessary. with the advance of technology many improvements have been made to make animations easier to create and not need to worry about stacks of traditional cel animations which can mess up.

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