Saturday 6 January 2018

Research, study task 1

I was recommended to watch the films I placed in my mind map, this included Waltz with Bashir, Persepolis and The Breadwinner.

I've already watched The Breadwinner made by Cartoon Saloon shown at MAF (Manchester Animation Festival) which touched my heart and brought me to tears, with its story and beautiful animation. which is what made me want to find out about my homeland, through research hopefully.
Cartoon Saloon also did a masterclass of the creation of the film, with numerous methods of approach to the animation to create scenes that are unforgetful.

I just recently watched Persepolis on amazon prime, since it was available and there's a lot to say about this film, but I'm going to keep it short.

The film was visual simple and nice, as for the story I have my own thoughts as to what it was representing. Either way it did spark some inspiration and the simple style did remind me of Domics, black and white bold lines.

As for Waltz with Bashir, I didn't want to buy the dvd so I ended up watching a few sequences on youtube to understand what it was about, and it's an interesting way of animation to convey a documentary about a guy who lost his memory. The animation was detailed and visually conveyed the scenes effectively with limited colours.

For now, this has inspired how I will approach making my animation in style, colour and hopefully effective visuals. 

Monday 1 January 2018

Start of the project (planning) study task 1

From the start, I created a mindmap of everything I need to do:
from there I then moved on to make a timeline for a script, showcasing the 3 moments I wanted to show in my animation.

-First, about Iraq in the past when Saddam was the president
-Second, how did the people I will be interviewing travel to the UK
-Third, how they raised this community

1 min to give a brief explanation of each moment.

I've had a few conversations with some people in the community before this project and this is what inspired this idea, they particularly mentioned about how people behaved in Iraq, this was mostly to do with spies working for the government of Saddam.

I'm hoping to interview a few people I've asked, in the upcoming weeks!