Monday 28 December 2015

Process and production: class crit

I presented my idea about "The other side" animation to the class, which i presented in without a presentation; instead i showed everything that ive researched and what i have currently done at the moment. This included my influences towards my project and my stories i prepared for the other side but did not use because i didn't think they were suited to the characters, my characters were heavily influenced by my favorite animation Mike Inel which gave the impression that i was just recreating his animation "Draw with me" with a different story, and at the end of the crit i decided by the feed back given to change the character design  which is shown below:

I also decided that this animation will take place in a city instead of an empty space, i changed everything i could in order to showcase something different to Mike Inel's animation and make it my own animation with my own style of characters.  

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