Friday 23 October 2015

pendulum animation study task

the brief was to create a pendulum effect using animation paper and place holder in order to keep all the frames in order, so that the play back for the animation works with the object staying in place. As for producing 25 frames of a pendulum swinging for 2 seconds at 12fps (frames per second) was a nice easy task, all i did was place the key frames which were frames 1,6,13,19,25 these frames were basically the begining, middle and end of the first swing then back with the same middle and end.

withing this test i learned how to control the speed of the pendulum by understanding momentumn of the pendulum, this was helpful because i was able to make a smooth pendulum swing loop as the example shows above. One problem that occoured when making this animation was when i got to frame 13 i continued with a straight on animation which turened out to look wrong and i had to redo all the frames above 13 using key frames. Ive learned that it is important most of the time to place keyframes to help give an understanding of how far each pose is and you can mesure how far apart each frame needs to be.

overall i loved end result of this animation and i hope i can keep on improving as i produce more tradtional animations. i beleive the most important part of this task was making sure the momentum of the pendulum was correct as it hit each key frame i made.


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